get MORE out of your milk!
Unlike most dairies whose herds are bred for production, our herd was specifically bred for grazing. Our cows have a more natural lactation and produce less milk than your average dairy cow- about one-third of the milk on average. In a day, one of our girls will produce 35 pounds (or around 4 gallons) of milk. With less production than the average industry cow, every drop of milk is precious when it comes to nutrition, quality, and flavor. That is why we made the decision to transition into A2/A2 Genetics, making our high quality dairy products even better for you!
All cows used to be A2/A2 cows, but a mutated A1 gene worked its way into dairy cattle. Today, most cows in the United States produce milk containing a combination of A1/A2 proteins. A cow with A2/A2 Genetics is an Old Fashioned Cow!
A2/A2 Cows produce beta-casein protein in their milk that has a proline amino acid at position 67 of its amino acid chain. A1 Cows have a histidine amino acid at position 67. From Position 67 in both A1 and A2 cows a side chain breaks off called BCM7 (a peptide.) BCM7 is a powerful opiate for people and animals. If it breaks away from the main amino acid chain and gets in the milk, it can cause adverse reactions, such as congestion. The difference between A1 and A2 cows is that proline amino acids in A2 cows hold tight to BCM7 and it doesn't escape in the milk while histidine amino acids in A1 milk easily lets go of BCM7. It gets in the milk and may cause health issues.
What is A2 Milk?

The Queen of Quality Label is awarded by the US National Jersey Association to farmers that meet their quality standards and are milking an All-Jersey Herd.
The Registered Jersey Cow traces her lineage all the way back to the Island of Jersey in the English Channel. It is the second largest breed of dairy cattle in the world. Although fewer than 6000 Jerseys total reside on the Island of Jersey, every registered Jersey Cow can trace her pedigree back to the Island itself.
The Jersey Cow herself, is an environmentally friendly cow. Jersey cows are smaller, eat less, drink less, creating less waste than her Holstein or Guernsey counterparts all while Thriving on Grass! She produces milk that is Richer, Full of Omega 3, CLA, Beta Carotene, easily digestible A2/A2 Protein, and Higher Butterfat. Our Process is Minimum Pasteurization, NO Homogenization resulting in a Superior Creamline Milk!